
Caelo ex excelso (from Polish)

Here is a Polish Christmas carol translated into Latin, which Aleksandra Klęczar was kind enough to send to me from Poland (she teaches in the Classics Department at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow). In her note, she explains that the translator of most of the carols which she has sent is the famous Polish classicist Ryszard Ganszyniec (1888-1958).

This carol is called Caelo ex excelso in Latin, Z nieba wysokiego in Polish.

Caelo ex excelso

Caelo ex excelso Deus visit terram,
ut in paradisum ducat plebem ream.
Sumit speciem Infantis
Mundi culpas deplorantis
Solus Dei Natus.

Maiestatem celat universi Pater,
Thronum dereliquit, hominum fit frater.
Deus magnus parvus natus,
Laudis, gloriae oblitus,
Mundus ut salvetur.

Z nieba wysokiego

Z nieba wysokiego Bóg zstąpił na ziemię,
ażeby do nieba wywiódł ludzkie plemię.
Bierze osobę Dzieciny,
opłakuje ludzkie winy.
Syn Boga jedyny.

Zniża swój Majestat Król całego świata,
opuszcza tron nieba, a z ludźmi się brata.
Bóg niezmierny, w żłóbku mały,
zapomina Bóstwa, chwały,
by świat zbawił cały.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Discovered your site today. Loved the polish carols, kolendy