
Deus paret (from Polish)

Here is a Polish Christmas carol translated into Latin, which Aleksandra Klęczar was kind enough to send to me from Poland (she teaches in the Classics Department at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow). In her note, she explains that the translator of most of the carols which she has sent is the famous Polish classicist Ryszard Ganszyniec (1888-1958).

This carol is called Deus paret in Latin, Bóg się rodzi in Polish.

Deus paret

Deus paret, vis vilescit,
Caeli Rex est denudatus,
Ignis tepet, lux tabescit,
Limen scit Illimitatus.

Princeps gloriae humiliatus,
Immortalem mors domavit,
Dei Verbum Caro factum (e)st
Et in nobis habitavit.

Neque, caelum, terram vincis,
Deus tua bon(a) abiecit.
Intra plebem suam venit,
Eius sortem suam fecit.

Multa est pro nobis passus,
Culpa nostra haec patravit.
Dei Verbum Caro factum (est)
Et in nobis habitavit.

Tolle manum, Puer sancte,
Benedic telluri patriae,
In consilio, vita bona
Eam iuva dono gratiae.

Domum, pagos, urbes nostras
Tua manus sustentavit.
Dei Verbum Caro factum (est)
Et in nobis habitavit.

Bóg się rodzi

1. Bóg się rodzi, moc truchleje,
Pan niebiosów obnażony?
Ogień krzepnie, blask ciemnieje,
Ma granice Nieskończony:
Wzgardzony okryty chwałą,
Śmiertelny Król nad wiekami?
A Słowo ciałem się stało,
i mieszkało między nami.

2. Cóż masz, niebo nad ziemiany?
Bóg porzucił szczęście twoje,
Wszedł między lud ukochany,
Dzieląc z nim trudy i znoje,
Niemało cierpiał, niemało,
Żeśmy byli winni sarni,
A Słowo ciałem się stało,
i mieszkało między nami.

5. Podnieś rękę, Boże Dziecię,
Błogosław ojczyznę miłą,
W dobrych radach, dobrym bycie,
Wspieraj jej siłę swą siłą,
Dom nasz i majętność całą,
I wszystkie wioski z miastami,
A Słowo ciałem się stało,
i mieszkało między nami.

Uwaga: zwrotki 3 i 4
nie mają łacińskiego przekładu:

3. W nędznej szopie urodzony,
Żłób Mu za kolebkę dano!
Cóż jest, czym był otoczony?
Bydło, pasterze i siano.
Ubodzy, was to spotkało,
Witać Go przed bogaczami,
A Słowo ciałem się stało,
i mieszkało między nami.

4. Potem i króle widziani,
Cisną się między prostotą,
Niosąc dary Panu w dani:
Mirrę, kadzidło i złoto.
Bóstwo to razem zmieszało,
Z wieśniaczymi ofiarami,
A Słowo ciałem się stało,
i mieszkało między nami.


Amelia E. Adler said...

This was always my very favorite carol. Of course, I didn't know the Latin version until I started to learn Latin last year, but I always loved the original, Polish version (I am a Pole). It is amazing - when performed by a choir, it has a power to move mountains. And the lyrics are just plain beautiful, this kind of a word game, oxymorons, contrasts - "Power is terrified / Master of Heavens - naked / The fire is fading / the brightness is darkening / the Unlimited has the limits / despised, covered with glory / mortal king of the ages" - isn't that just beautiful? And I can assure you that in Polish it sounds a lot better (I admit, my translation is very amateurish). I love that carol!


Laura Gibbs said...

Hi Amelia, I have really enjoyed learning these Polish Christmas carols, too! I lived in Poland during the late 1980s and spent two Christmases there; I learned some of the carols in Polish then and it is so nice to be able to hear them on YouTube again. It was a very nice professor of Latin in Poland who sent me all the Latin translations last year and I had so much fun hunting down versions of the Polish songs on YouTube wherever I could find them! :-)

Amelia E. Adler said...

That is very nice :) I study at Jagiellonian University (French Philology; in fact, it's one floor above the Classics Departement :D) and I looked up this professor. It's a shame she doesn't give Latin lessons (this year she has only one lecture, History of Ancient Literature, and a Basic Greek Lessons, according to our university's site), I would definitely exchange her with my Latin professor :) (Latin is really beautiful, but when somebody makes me learn it, it becomes very hard, and our professor is, aaah, not very efficient nor nice.)

Anyway, I'm glad you like our carols! ;) I always thought they are really something special, something different then Christmas carols of other languages (a little of national pride doesn't hurt :D). And "Bóg się rodzi" is my favorite *-*


Laura Gibbs said...

Wow, Amy, you study there in Krakow - that is so nice! I did a summer course there back in 1985 and lived at Dom Piast. Of course, everything was different back then because of the government of Polska Ludowa - but Krakow is magical, no matter what is going on with the government. I remember that as one of the best summers of my life!

The reason I learned Latin was to read the Latin poetry of Kochanowski, and my personal obsession, Aesop's fables, began from studying the bajki of Ignacy Krasicki! So even though I do not study or teach Polish literature any more, it has been a very important part of my life!


Amelia E. Adler said...

Wow, you taught Polish Literature? That's so cool :) (You're the first foreigner I met, even in Internet, to be so "in" Polish culture :D). And I agree - Krakow definitely is just MAGICAL. I come from Upper Silesia, but I always wanted to live and study in Krakow and, thankfully, my dream came true :) (Next on the list: publish my book, make a lot of money and travel around the world xD). This city has an amazing architecture, but mostly it is the amosphere that is so appealing. Here the real history meets the future :)


Laura Gibbs said...

The Wajda film about Katyn was finally released in the United States a few months ago, and there were so many scenes in the movie filmed in Krakow... it made me miss the city very much! :-)

Amelia E. Adler said...

Hah, and I didn't see the movie xD (This was out of protest. It was released when I was in high school and the teachers made us go to watch it after the school time; I boycotted it because it wasn't the first time they tried to impose something on us in our free time.) Fortunately, I don't need movies to see my Cracow :) (Although I certainly enjoy them, especially when the Cracow presented is the one from the past; I love "Karol" and "Schindler's List", not only for that reason, of course, but it was very nice to see it :D)

And you know, you can always come to Cracow :) We're very hospitable :D
